New Semantics, Urbanism, Women’s Sexual Health

Zoe Mendelson

Founder Pussypedia, Author, Content Consultant

Zoe Mendelson is an award-winning journalist and content strategist. She researches, thinks, talks, and writes about cities, emoji, data, female sexuality, language, and other semi-related topics. Across topics, Zoe is primarily focused on the transmission of meaning and new ways of achieving it. 

She is currently focused on democratizing the information about women’s sexual health currently locked up in medical journals and setting it free on the internet with Pussypedia. 

Past projects include the production of a city-wide emoji design competition and official city sticker pack with the Mexico City government, and a simple civic engagement platform for nihilist millennials. Her projects have been covered by Buzzfeed, Men’s Health, Cosmopolitan Mexico, The New York Times en Español, CityLab, and elsewhere. Zoe’s research has appeared in the New York Times and she writes for bleeding edge publications including WIRED, Print Magazine, Fast Company, Hyperallergic, and Next City, among others. Her data narrative about drones won the 2015 bronze Kantor Information is Beautiful Award. 

Zoe graduated from Barnard College at Columbia University with a degree in Urbanism.

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