Wanted: a company that won’t kill you

Nearly two-thirds of U.S. workers are looking for new jobs, while a record number have called it quits altogether. Nine out of ten executives say they’re seeing higher turnover than ever. It’s no wonder, when 94 percent of workers say they’re stressed. The demands of coping in a pandemic while working – whether it’s stretched parents, airline pilots dealing with a constant cycle of long shifts, or quarantines and related isolation – are leaving their mark with long-term physical and emotional stress. Behavioral experts are citing post-covid stress disorder – manifesting in mood disorders, sleep issues, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and other stressors – that affects how people show up, or don’t, in the world. From therapy voice bots to community groups, the demand for mental health platforms and empathy-based leadership is only rising.



Companies have growing stakes in ensuring the well-being of their people — pandemic-related PTSD will need longer-term wellness solutions.